1,Have 3 achievable goal a day: having a laundry list of things to do everyday is super unrealistic, and you just end up feeling bad about yourself because you didn't accomplish your goals for the day.

2,Leave your sunday open: I love sundays because they're my day to chill out and catch up on school work that i wasn't able to finish during the week.

3,Recognize when you're at your emotional limits: forcing your self to get work done when you are unable to comprehend your study material does not benefit anyone.

4,learn how to say no: people will ask you for your time and it will strech you to the limit,whether it be at your job,in your extracurriculars,or in your personal life.know when to step back and say no.

5,Take care of yourself physically: take breaks,go for walks,shower regularly,get enough sleep,eat healthy,see your friends.

6,celebrate your accomplishment:go out to eat with friends after a big exam,indulge in a night off after a busy week with some netflix and wine.

7,make a study plan beforehand:if can be daunting to see how much work you need to put in to a class or task beforehand, but this allows you to spreadn your work evenly so you don't become overwhelmed.

8,learn how to ask for help: its very rare that people make it through school,whether it be high school or university or any graduate program,without needing the advice of others or just a kind soul to vent to.find that person.

9,never forget your hobbies:you will need things that keep you sane.if you love to playmusic,write,play volleyball,or cook,make you sure you don't lose these things.they will become you escape when times get tough.
10,log off from time to time: it is exhausting to be constantly connected to social media and your email.just physically disconnected from these for a night to take care of yourself can really help you clear your mind.

hey guys this is syrus i know its little tough to understand but i think these points can help you better.
and finally my book will be publish soon 
 'ghost killed syrus'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


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